The Bracebridge Chamber is thrilled to welcome our newest member:
The Saucy Muskokan
Why would I do this? (In the middle of a pandemic)
I have had a strong passion for fantastic food and nutrition for countless years. Being in the hospitality industry for almost 22 years has given me the opportunity to learn from countless incredible Chefs.
I learn more and more every day from this network and appreciate everything everyone has taught me thus far.
As a mom of three little girls all under three, my life has changed drastically from what it once was. The days of spending hours cooking carefree in the kitchen are now replaced with interrupted conversations of why Frozen isn’t on (for the four hundredth time), more goldfish are needed, or crayons are going all over the cupboards, and walls!
As many moms out there, I take pride in preparing home cooked meals as much as possible for my family and I would make sure my cupboards are always full of condiments and I was good to go! BUT, I started to really look at what was in my condiments. Come on…. How many of us are worried about pre-made hummus, pizza, pasta or hot-sauce???????? Nobody right???????
Well, we should all be worried, very worried. These condiments are jammed with mostly sugar, salt and preservatives, so you are making what you think is a healthy meal for your family and covering it with so many unknown preservatives, and I know all of us don’t know how to say many of them.
I started to think, Hey……. I can do a better job than this. So I started experimenting, working with friends and providing sauces to the entire neighbourhood. In due time, those neighbours starting giving me raving responses for these tasty jars of goodness and just like that my passion for food started to evolve into sauces! Who would have thought?
I now take pride in my sauces, they are PACKED with VEGGIES, NO preservatives, very little salt and sugars and every single spoonful is filled with flavour. My passion is to bring a condiment to your shelves that you can add to your already amazing home cooked meals, without all of the fillers, preservatives and sugars that you would receive from a store bought product.
All of my sauces will be changing slightly so I can support as many local farmers as possible and provide you with the highest quality of vegetables in every jar. Supporting local in times like these is something we should all be doing.
Thank you for joining me on this AWESOME journey.