On November 18th Gagnon’s Your Independent Grocer will be holding their Annual Wine & Cheese Event from 5pm until 8pm.
As in the past, entrance fees will again be based strictly on a voluntary donation.
Added to the event this year is a “Silent Auction”. This year all proceeds from the entrance donations and the auction will go to “Ethan’s Journey to Walk”.
Ethan suffers from Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. The muscles in his lower extremities are abnormally tight, making it difficult for him to walk. Right now he uses a walker and has become unbelievably fast. It’s hard for any adult to keep up with him.
Ethan has been approved for a surgery in St. Louis, Missouri. If it is successful, he might be able to walk independently one day.
The surgery and other associated costs, including a five-week stay in St. Louis, flights and six months of intensive physiotherapy, are not covered by OHIP and total about $120,000.
The goal of 120,000 is close at hand. With only $13,000 more to go. Let’s help them get a little closer.
See you on Fri. November 18th!
Photography by Scott Turnbull courtesy of Explorers' Edge