Connect, Learn, Grow, with the Port Sydney/Utterson & Area Chamber of Commerce
This is your opportunity to connect and network with other Women in Business, and to learn from…
this year’s Guest Speaker: Terri Plaxton-Smith of Muskoka Small Business Centre.
You will also enjoy:
Hors d’oeuvres, a Cash Bar, Auction Table, Prize Draws, and plenty of fun and laughter.
Remember to bring 60 Business Cards for sharing.
Limited Space – Register today. ALL Women in Business (Members OR Non-Members of our Chamber) are Welcome to Register. $15 Registration Fee. (a portion will go to the Muskoka Shoebox Project for Women).
Register with Payment:
Email or call the office at 705-385-1117 with your Name, Business Name, email address, and phone #. And submit payment online (e-transfer, or PayPal via or at the office (cheque, cash, debit/Visa/MasterCard).
Event Sponsors and Donations Needed. Increase your brand visibility by sponsoring this event, OR by donating items for the Auction Table, Prize Draws or our 60 attendee Swag Bags. Contact the office right away to arrange your contribution. We’re aiming to have all donations gathered by Wed. Oct. 16, 2019.