The Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce is giving members of the public an opportunity to hear from local candidates in the upcoming Bracebridge municipal election.
On Wednesday, Sept. 19, there is a public meeting to hear from Bracebridge mayoral candidates as well as those running to represent the Town of Bracebridge at the District of Muskoka council table. The meeting takes place at the Quality Inn Bracebridge from 7 to 9 p.m.
A second public meeting to hear from the Bracebridge ward candidates is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 4, also from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Quality Inn.
Questions will not be taken from the floor. The chamber is asking anyone wishing to ask questions to submit them in advance before Sept. 14. A committee will curate and group similar questions. According to a Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce press release, this is to allow as many questions as possible. However, according to executive director Brenda Rhodes, candidates will not be receiving questions in advance.
Questions are to be emailed to
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